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School Outreach

Explorer Scouts 2012 - Event hosted at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology (UoE). Introduction to the analysis of human remains, evening event for adolescents aged 14-15 year old.

St Leonards School (St Andrews) March, 2015 and 2017- EUFA gave a talk and interactive workshop on human anatomy and forensic anthropology to a class of year 9 pupils (Aprox 25 children).

High Flyers (LEAPS). June 2014-2015-2016. S5 - S5 pupils from schools with some of the lowest progression rates to Higher Education. Providing a University experience to pupils who would be first in their family to attend. Partnership of Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh Napier University, Queen Margaret University and the University of Edinburgh. EUFA provided 1 of 2 workshops delivered by University of Edinburgh. The attendees number were approx. 60 people.


Future Scholars, May 2015 -Top students and teachers from seven school from Scotland and northern England came to experience university and the subjects offered. EUFA member ran 1 of 4 workshops on Archaeology. What can archaeologist learn from a human skeleton?

Kickstart, July 2015-2017 . Kickstart is a partnership between the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier University, Queen Margaret University, and Scotland’s Rural College. Kickstart is designed to provide S5-S6 school students mainly from the Lothians with an experience of University. EUFA provided one of many workshops offered by the four partners. The workshop was well attended and got great reviews. The event had thousands of visitors (e.g. Skills Scotland 2014=2500 visitors, Science Festival).
Reviews: All found it useful, enjoyable and said the content was ‘just right’


Skills Scotland, July 2014 . A sponsored fair with hands'on activities and tasters on what different carrers are really like. EUFA was offered a free of charge place due to the increased interest in Forensic Anthropology. The 2014 Skills Scotland event had 2500 visitors.


Larkhall Academy (Larkhall , March 2016):  Event for S2 pupils (ages 12-13; over 200 students). The main goal was to promote science by introducing students to a variety of skills, careers and opportunities in medicine, history, heritage and archaeology.

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