Edinburgh Unit for Forensic Anthropology

Dr Robert Paine Publications
To be submitted “Cremated remains: A health assessment of Villanovan burials from the necropolis of Villa Bruschi Falgari, Italy. R.R. Paine, R. Vargiu, D. Mancinelli, & F. Trucco. International Journal of Paleopathology
Submitted “A possible case of mycosis in a post-classical burial“. Ileana Micarelli, Robert R. Paine, Mary Anne Tafuri, Giorgio Manzi. International Journal of Paleopathology. January 2018.
In press. “ The survival of an amputated limb without antibiotics: a case study from a Longobard necropolis (VI-VIII centuries AD). Ileana Micarelli, Robert Paine, Antonio Profico, Fabio Di Vincenzo, Mary Anne Tafuri, Marco Boggioni, Andrea Papini, Caterina Giostra, Giorgio Manzi. Journal of Anthropological Sciences. Janaury 2018.
Submitted “Histological age estimation on two Mediterranean Populations: A validation study of four existing methodologies. JG Garcia-Donas, AS Scholl, A Dalton, RR Paine EF Kranioti. Legal Medicine.
In press. “Malnutrition” RR Paine & BP Brenton.The SAS Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences. Invited.
2016. “Accuracy and sampling error of two age estimation techniques using rib histomorphometry on a modern sample.” JG Garcia-Donas, J Duke, RR Paine, D Nathena and EF Kranioti. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 38:28-33
2015. “Skeletal indicators of reactive arthritis: A case study comparison to other skeletal conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, ankylosing sero-negative SpA, and DISH. WD Cawley & RR Paine. International Journal of Paleopathology. 11:70-74. http://authors.elsevier.com/a/1S2y96hTLQKnz4
2013. “Introductory Physical Anthropology Laboratory Manual”4th edition. AC Durband & RR Paine, Publisher Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa. Pp. 1-172. Third edition, 2011, pp.1-168.
2011. “A look back as we move forward”. Invited. Giovanni Destro Bisol and Robert Paine. The Journal of Anthropological Sciences. 89:7-8. http://www.isita-org.com/jass/Contents/ContentsVol89.htm.
2011. “Forensic Anthropology in Europe: An Assessment of the Current Status and Application. EF Kranioti & RR Paine. The Journal of Anthropological Sciences. 89:71-92. http://www.isita-rg.com/jass/Contents/ContentsVol89.htm.
In Press. “A paleopathological analysis of Byzantine burials from the Agora section of the archaeological site of Elaiussa Sebaste”. R Vargiu & RR Paine. Book chapter. In: Elaiussa Sebaste III. The Commercial Agora. Editors. C Morselli, & EE Schneider. Publisher: L'Erma di Bretschneider pp.1-35. 2008.
2010. “Condizioni di vita e Stato di salute a Tarquinia (Viterbo) nella fase iniziale della prima età del Ferro”. R. Vargiu, D. Mancinelli, R.R. Paine, F. Trucco. In Preistoria E Protostoria In Etruria: L’alba di continuita e trasformazione nei secoli XII-VII a.C. Ricerche e scavi. Centro Studi Di Preistoria E Archeologia, Milano. Book chapter, pp. 247-254. ISBN 978-88-639-9038-6
2009. “Condizioni di Vita e Stato di Salute della Comunita di Aquinum (Castrocielo, Frosinone).” R Vargiu, GR Bellini, D Mancinelli, P Santoro, G Miranda, RR Paine, I Di Russo, A Coppa. In: Lazio e Sabina, Scoperte Scavi e Ricerche. Incontro di studi 05. British School at Rome. L’Erma di Bretschneider. Book chapter. Pp.475-481.
2009. “Introductory Physical Anthropology Laboratory Manual”2nd edition. AC Durband & RR Paine, Publisher Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa. Pp. 1-168.
2009 “A health assessment for Imperial Roman burials recovered from theNecropoli of San Donato and Bivio CH, Urbino, Italy”. RR. Paine, R. Vargiu, Signoretti, & A. Coppa. The Journal of Anthropological Sciences, Vol. 87: 193- 210. Istituto Italiano di Antropologia.
2007 “Reevaluating the health and nutritional status of maize-dependent populations: Evidence for the impact of pellagra on human skeletons from South Africa”. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. BP Brenton & RR Paine, 46(5/6):345-360.
2007 “How to equip a basic histology lab for the anthropological assessment of human bone and teeth”. . Sciences, Istituto Italiano di Antropologia, 85:213-219
2007 “Introductory Physical Anthropology Laboratory Manual” AC Durband & RR Paine, Publisher Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa. Pp. 1-160.
2007 “A health assessment of high status Christian burials recovered from the Roman-Byzantine archaeological site of Elaiussa Sebaste, Turkey”. RR Paine, R Vargiu, A Coppa, C Morselli, & EE Schneider. The Journal of Comparative Human Biology, HOMO. 58(2): 173-190. Available online 12 April 2007.
2007 “Cranial Trauma in Iron Age Samnite Agriculturists from Alfedena, Italy: Implications for Biocultural and Economic Stress.” RR Paine, D Mancinelli, M Ruggieri, & A Coppa. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. 132:48-58.Published Online: 1 August 2006, DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.20461.
2006 “The paleopathology of Pellagra: Investigating the impact of prehistoric and historic dietary transitions to maize.” RR Paine & BP Brenton. The Journal of Anthropological Sciences, Istituto Italiano di Antropologia, Vol 84. pp. 125-135.
2006 “Dietary health does effect age assessment: an evaluation of the Stout & Paine (1992) age estimation equation using secondary osteons from the rib.” RR Paine & BP Brenton. The Journal of Forensic Sciences. Vol. 51, no.3: pp. 489-492.
2004 “Histological examination of bone-tempered pottery from Mission Espiritu Santo (41VT11) Victoria County, Texas”. TL Walter, RR Paine, & H Horni. Journal of Archaeological Science. 31(4):393-398, April.
2002 “Dengue Fever in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas: Medical Anthropology and Public Health”. B Foreman-Winn, P Dennis, RR Paine, R Warner, & J Hayes. Texas Journal of Rural Health. Vol. XX, no. 1:20-33.
2000 “An archaic human burial from Yoakum County, Texas: The crossroads of bioarchaeology and forensic anthropology.” RR Paine & PJ Lewis. Texas Journal of Science. 52(1): 13-24.
2000 “Pellagra and Paleonutrition: Assessing the Diet and Health of Maize Horticulturists through Skeletal Biology”. BP Brenton & RR Paine. Nutritional Anthropology. Vol. 22(2):1-9.
1997 “The scaling of skeletal microanatomy in non-human primates." RR Paine & LR Godfrey. Journal of Zoology London. Vol. 241:803-821.
1995 "Limb joint surface areas and their ratios in Malagasy lemurs and other mammals." LR Godfrey, MR Sutherland, RR Paine, FL Williams, DS Boy, & MVuillaume-Randriamanantena. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 97:11-36.
1994 "Bone remodeling rates: A test of an algorithm for estimating missing osteons.” SD Stout & RR Paine. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 93:123-129.
1992 "Histological age estimation using rib and clavicular thin sections." SD Stout & RR Paine. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 87:111-116