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Polyphonic Murders: a holographic biography of trauma

Violence among humans has existed since the beginning of time. From personal dispute to group conflicts and wars, violence has gained its place in every part of the history of humanity. A story can be told as a tale, a song, a poem or a painting but the perception of violence is different when facing a human body that suffered a cruel death. PM aims to render science-art dialogues stimulating a wide audience: it will transform the material remains of apparent brutality into a synesthetic gallery of knowledge and imagination.

“Is Violence evolutionary?” How do we perceive violent deaths in different time and space? How is art contributing in the understanding of violence and how different representations of the same event affect our emotions? These are some of the questions that our new project is aiming to answer.

Six historical murder victims are given the opportunity to re-write their truth through a synergy of artwork and digital content. The audience will actively participate in the storytelling by understanding both material culture evidence provided at the exhibition but also by contributing in on-site creative comics workshop and other activities.

© 2013. EUFA. All rights reserved

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