Edinburgh Unit for Forensic Anthropology

Osipov, B, Harvati K, Nathena D, Spanakis K, Karantanas A, Kranioti EF. Sexual dimorphism of the bony labyrinth: An age-independent sex estimation method. Am J Phys Anthropol 2013 Jun;151(2):290-301.
Donnellan SM, Chatzinikolaou F, Kranioti EF, Morphological Analysis of Sharp Force Trauma Patterns Using High Resolution Casts. Proceedings of the 22rd Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey 5-8 2012, Gulmen MK ed, Medimond, Bologna, 2013: 107-114.
Fleming-Farrell D, Michailidis K, Karantanas A, Roberts N, Kranioti EF. Virtual Assessment of Perimortem and Postmortem Blunt Force Cranial Trauma. Forensic Sci Int 2013 Jun 10;229(1-3):162.e1-6.
Fibiger, L., Ahlström, T., Bennike, P. & Schulting, R. 2013. Patterns of violence-related skull trauma in Neolithic Southern Scandinavia. Am J Phys Anthropol 150(2), 190-202.
Kranioti, E. and Sheridan, J. A. 2012 Mount Stuart, Bute: new light on the hole in the skull of an Early Bronze Age woman. Transactions of the Buteshire Natural History Society 28, 5–9
Dulohery K, Papavdi A, Michalodimitrakis M, Kranioti EF. Evaluation of coronary stenosis with the aid of quantitative image analysis in histological cross sections. J Forensic Leg Med 2012: 19(8):485-9
Kyriakou XP, Márquez-Grant N, Langstaff H, Fleming-Farrell D, Samuels C, Harris S, Pacelli CS, Migliaccio F, Castro J, Roig J and Kranioti EF. The Human Remains from The Mediaeval Islamic Cemetery of Can Fonoll, Ibiza, Spain Proceedings of the12th annual Conference for BABAO, Mitchell P, Buckberry J. (eds) BAR International series 2380: 87-101
Kranioti EF, Paine R. Forensic Anthropology in Europe: an assessment of current status and application. J Anthropol Sci 2011:89:71-92.
Kranioti EF, Holloway, R, Senck, S, Tudor Ciprut, T., Grigorescu, D., Harvati, K. A virtual assessment of the endocranial morphology of the early modern European fossil calvarium from Cioclovina, Romania. Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2011;294(7):1083-92.
Introduction to bone and dental histology. EF Kranioti, J.G. Garcia-Donas Invited workshop at the 9th Annual Meeting of the Balkan Academy of Forensic Sciences, June 12th-15th 2013 Istanbul, Turkey.
Sharp force trauma and weapon identification. EF Kranioti, S. Donnellan. Invited Seminar with CPD by the Scottish Scientific Police in Edinburgh. Video-Conference in all Scottish departments. June 2013.
Sorting commingled human remains with the aid of 3D surface models: a method based on mesh-to-mesh comparison. Karell M, Langstaff H, Minghetti C, Frelat M, Kranioti EF. British Association of Human Identification (BAHID) annual conference, November 30th, 2013 Manchester UK
Rib histomorphometry: Testing sampling and population errors on existing formulae for forensic applications. Dyke J, Garcia-Donas JG, Kranioti EF. British Association of Human Identification (BAHID) annual conference, November 30th 2013, Manchester, UK. (Third Prize Award-winner).
Sharp Force Trauma analysis for weapon identification based on controlled experimental models. Kranioti EF, Donnellan SM, Osipov, B. 9th Annual Meeting of the Balkan Academy of Forensic Sciences, June 12th-15th 2013 Istanbul, Turkey. (Oral presentation)
Multiple logistic regression models in Forensic Anthropology: The example of the Cretan skull. García-Donas JG, Aitken, C, Titterington D., Kranioti EF 9th Annual Meeting of the Balkan Academy of Forensic Sciences, June 12th-15th 2013 Istanbul, Turkey. (Oral presentation)
Face off - In vivo soft tissue depths for German adults. Thiemann N, Keil V, Roy U. FASE 10th Anniversary Symposium, September 28th 2013 Heidelberg, Germany. (Oral presentation)
Face off - In vivo soft tissue depths for German adults. Thiemann N, Keil V, Roy U. BAHID Winter Conference ´Preparing for Disasters´, November 30th 2013 Manchester, UK. (Poster presentation)
Bone Histology: A Comparative Analysis on the Impact of Thermal Processes on Bone Microstructure. Tiliakou. A. 5th Conference for Postgraduate Students in Memory of Pitt Rivers, 12th-15th April, 2013, Tbilisi State University, Georgia.
Sex estimation on Cranial Non-Metric Traits in a Contemporary Greek Population: Testing multiple logistics regression models. García-Donas J., Aitken, C, Titterington D., Kranioti EF BAHID annual conference, December 8th, 2012 Manchester UK (Oral presentation).
Sharp Force Trauma analysis for weapon identification based on controlled experimental models. Donnellan SM, Osipov, B Kranioti EF, BAHID annual conference, December 8th, 2012 Manchester UK (Poster presentation, 2nd Prize)
Testing thermal alteration on bone microstructure on an experimental animal model: Forensic implications. Tiliakou A, Paine RR, Carvel R, Kranioti EF, BAHID annual conference, December 8th, 2012 Manchester UK (Poster presentation)
Dental Analysis of a Mycenaean population from Galata, Poros. Kranioti EF PS Aka, Konsolaki E, Bogghosian M, İşcan MY, Michalodimitrakis M, 1st International Conference on the history and civilisation of Southern Crete «Εν Γορτύνη και Αρκαδία εγένετο», Messara, Crete, Greece Sept 20-23, 2012. (Oral presentation).
Diet reconstruction from a Venecian period population From Agios Georgios, Lasithi. Semelidou E, C Pickard C, Κ. MacKinnon, Nathena D, Gambaro L, Kranioti EF 1st International Conference on the history and civilisation of Southern Crete «Εν Γορτύνη και Αρκαδία εγένετο», Messara, Crete, Greece Sept 20-23, 2012. (Oral presentation).
Morphological Analysis of Sharp Force Trauma Patterns Using High Resolution Casts Donnellan SM, Chatzinikolaou F, Kranioti EF, 22rd Congress of the International Academy of Legal Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey 5-8 2012 (Poster presentation)
Sex estimation and posterior probabilities: the example of the tibia. Kranioti EF, Anthropology in the world Conference (Royal Anthropological Institute / British Museum Centre for Anthropology), June 8-10 2012, London, UK (Accepted for Oral presentation).
Demographic analysis of two cemetery populations (Via Punica 34 and Joan Planells) from Ibiza, Spain. Brown B, Langstaff H, Donellan S, Sallivan A, Osipov B, Chanette S, Gómez García-Donas J, Lemmers S, Paula Kyriakou P, Kranioti EF. 13th annual meeting of the British Association of Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology, September 2nd-4th Edinburgh, UK, 2011 (Poster Presentation).
Dental analysis of two cemetery populations (Via Punica 34 and Joan Planells) from Ibiza, Spain. Carbaugh A, Rocio Gomez Martinez R, Helen Langstaff H, Irvine B, Thiemann N, Kranioti EF (Oral presentation).
Inner Ear Morphology of the Cioclovina Calvarium: A virtual study. Kranioti EF, Ciprut T, Grigorescu D, Harvati K. Abstract book, 12th annual meeting of the British Association of Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology, September 17th-19thCambridge, UK, 2010 (Oral Presentation)
The Mediaeval cemetery (10th-13th centuries) of Can Fonoll, Ibiza, Spain. Langstaff H, Kranioti EF, Kyriakou P., Fleming-Farrell D, Harris S, Migliaccio F, Pacelli C, Samuels C, Castro J, Roig J. Márquez-Grant N. 12th annual meeting of the British Association of Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology, September 17th-19th Cambridge, UK, 2010 (Poster Presentation).
Mummified hands in Germany: Estimation of sex. Kranioti EF, Tahiri, A., Pieper. P Balkan Academy of Forensic Sciences, 7th Annual Meeting, June 3rd-6th, Tirana, Albania, 2010 (Poster Presentation).