Edinburgh Unit for Forensic Anthropology

Dr Julieta G. García-Donas Publications
Ekizoglu, O., Er, A., Basa, C.D., Kacmaz, I.E., Ozgur Can, I.O., García-Donas, J.G., Kranioti, E.F. (2017) T2-weighted spoiled gradient echo sequence (MERGE): A different perspective on the forensic age estimation. La Revue de Médecine Légale, 8: 198-190.
García-Donas, J.G., Dalton, A., Chaplin, I., Kranioti, E.F. (2017) A revised method for the preparation of dry bone samples used in histological examination: Five simple steps. Journal of Comparative Journal Anatomy, 68(4): 283-288.
García-Donas, J.G., Scholl, R.A., Dalton, A., Paine, R.R., Kranioti, E.F. (2017) Histological Age Estimation on two Mediterranean Populations: A Validation study of four Existing Methodologies. 86th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, pp.190.
Lill, C., García-Donas, J.G, Xhemali, B.I., Kranioti, E.F. (2017) The effect of pathology on bone microstructure: implications for histological age estimation. 86th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, pp.263.
García-Donas, J.G., Oguzhan, E., Er, A., Bozdag, M., Ackaoglu, M., Ozgur Can, I., Kranitoi, E.F. (2017) Accuracy and reliability of Southern European standards for the tibia: a test of two Mediterranean population. Forensic Science and Criminology, 2: 1-5.
García-Donas, J.G., Dycke, J., Paine, R.R., Kranioti, E.F. (2016). Accuracy and sampling error of two age estimation techniques using rib histomorphometry on a modern sample. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 38: 28-35.
Kranioti, E.F., Langstaff, H., García-Donas, J.G., Almeida, P.S. (2016) Sex estimation of the Tibia in Greek-Cypriots and Cretans: forensic applications. Forensic Science International, 271: 129.e1-129.e7.
Ekizoglu, O., Er, A., Bozdag, M., Akcaoglu, M., Can, I., , García-Donas, J.G., Kranioti, E.F. (2016) Sex estimation of the tibia in modern Turkish: a Computed Tomography study. Legal Medicine, 2016; 3: 89-94
Almeida Prado, P.S., García-Donas, J.G., Langstaff, H.K., Cunha, E., Kyriakou, P., Kranioti, E.F. (2015) Os parietale partitum: exploring the prevalence of this trait in four contemporary populations. Journal of Comparative Journal Anatomy, 67(4): 261-272.
García-Donas, J.G., Langstaff, H., Kranioti, E.F. (2014) Joan Planells and Via Punica: Demographics of two archaeological populations from Ibiza. Monograph of VI Jornades D’arqueologia de les Illes Balears (Archaeology of the Balearic Isles), Formentera, 26th September, 285-294.
Kranioti, E.F., García-Donas, J.G., Langstaff, H., (2014) Cranial variation of the Ibizan populations. Monograph of the VI Jornades D’arqueologia de les Illes Balears (Archaeological conference of the Balearic Isles), Formentera, 26th September,273-284.
Kranioti, E.F., García-Donas, J.G., Langstaff, H.K. (2014) Sex estimation of the Greek mandible with the aid of discriminant function analysis and posterior probabilities. Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine. 22(2): 101-104.
Dyke, J., García-Donas, J.G.., Osipov, B., Kranioti, E.F. (2014) Rib histomorphometry: testing sampling and population errors on existing formulae. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 153 (S58):110.
Communications in conferences
García-Donas, J.G., Scholl, R.A., Dalton, A., Paine, R.R., Kranioti, E.F. (2017) Histological Age Estimation on two Mediterranean Populations: A Validation study of four Existing Methodologies. 86th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (Poster presentation)
Lill, C., García-Donas, J.G., Xhemali, B.I., Kranioti, E.F. (2017) The effect of pathology on bone microstructure: implications for histological age estimation. 86th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists
García-Donas, J.G. A Femur in the sea: A forensic case using bone histology (2016). Scotish Student Forensic Research Symposium, Dundee (Poster presentation)
García-Donas, J.G., Langstaff, H., Almeida, P.S., Kyriakou, P., Kranioti, E.F. (2015) Osteometric standards for sex estimation from the tibia for Greek-Cypriots. Annual conference of the British Association for Human Identification, Manchester, 11th-13th December 2015 (Poster presentation)
García-Donas, J.G., Langstaff, H., Almeida, P.S., Kyriakou, P., Kranioti, E.F. (2015) Estudio osteométrico de la tibia: dimorfismo sexual en una muestra Griego-Chipriota (Sexual diformish on a Cypriot population). Asociación Española de Antropología y Odontología Forense (7th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Association of Forensic Anthropology and Odontology), Toledo, 6th-7th November 2015 (Oral Presentation)
García-Donas, J.G., Scholl, A.R., Nathena, D., Paine, R.R., Kyriakou, P., Kranioti, E.F. (2015) Estimación de la edad en una población Mediterránea usando Stout & Paine (1992) y Stout et al. (1994) fórmulas (Estimating age at death using Stout & Paine (1992) y Stout et al. (1994) formulae on a Mediterranean sample). Asociación Española de Antropología y Odontología Forense (7th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Association of Forensic Anthropology and Odontology), Toledo, 6th-7th November 2015 (Oral Presentation)
Karell, M.A., García-Donas, J.G., Madentzoglou, M., ., Halazoneti,s D.J., Kranioti, E.F. (2015) Pair-Matching clavicular usando el método digital de comparación Mesh-to-Mesh. (Pair-matching Clavicles Using the Mesh-to-mesh Value Comparison Method). Asociación Española de Antropología y Odontología Forense (7th Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Association of Forensic Anthropology and Odontology), Toledo, 6th-7th November ()
García-Donas, J.G., Langstaff, H., Almeida, P.S., Kyriakou, P., Kranioti, E.F. (2015) Osteometric standards for sex estimation from the tibia for Greek-Cypriots. Forensic Anthropology Society Europe Symposium, Marseille, 5th September (Poster presentation)
Almeida, P.S., García-Donas, J.G.., Langstaff, H., Cunha, E., Kyriakou, P., Kranioti, E.F. (2015) Nasal concha hypertrophy in 3 Mediterranean Populations. Forensic Anthropology Society Europe Symposium, Marseille, 5th September 2015 ()
García-Donas, J.G., Nathena, D., Michalodimitrakis, M., Kranioti, E.F. (2014) Rib Histomorphometry And Sampling Error: Pilot Study. 10th annual Meeting of the Balkan Academy for Forensic Sciences. Alexandroupolis, Greece, 18-21 June 2014 (Oral presentation)
García-Donas, J.G., Langstaff, H.K., Kranioti, E.F. (2014) Joan Planells and Via Punica: Demongraphics of two archaeological populations from Ibiza. VI Jornades D’arqueologia de les Illes Balears (Archaeological conference of the Balearic Isles), Formentera, 26th September (Oral presentation)
Kranioti, E.F., Langstaff, H.K.,García-Donas, J.G.. (2014) Skeletal Variation among and between different archaeological populations from Ibiza, Spain. VI Jornades D’arqueologia de les Illes Balears (Archaeological conference of the Balearic Isles), Formentera, 26th September (Oral Presentation)
García-Donas, J.G., Aitken, C., Titterington, D., Kranioti, E.F. (2013) Multiple Logistic Regression: the example of the Cretan Skulls. 9th Annual Meeting of Balkans Academy for Forensic Sciences , 14th June, Istanbul, Turkey (Oral presentation)
Dyke, J., García-Donas, J.G., Osipov, B., Kranioti, E.F. (2013) Rib histomorphometry: Testing sampling and population errors on existing formulae for forensic applications. British Association of Human Identification (BAHID), Manchester, 30th November ()
García-Donas, J.G., Aitken C, Titterington, D., Kranioti, E.F. (2012) Sex estimation based on cranial non-metric traits in a contemporary Greek population: Testing multiple logistic regression. Winter conference of the British Association for Human Identification, Manchester, 7-9 December (Oral presentation).
García-Donas, J.G., Langstaff, H., Diana, A., Kranioti, E.F. (2012) Sexual dimorphism of the Greek mandible: a pilot study. British Association of Human Identification (BAHID), Manchester, 8th December ( Poster presentation)
Brown, B. Langstaff, H., Donellan, S., Sullivan, A., Osipov, B., Chanette, S., García-Donas, J.G., Lemmers, S., Kyriakou, P., Kranioti, E.F. (2011) Demographic analysis of two cemetery populations (Via Punica 34 and Joan Planells) from Ibiza, Spain. 13th annual meeting of the British Association for Biological Anthropology and Osteoarchaeology, Edinburgh, 2nd-4th September ()