Edinburgh Unit for Forensic Anthropology

EUFA Members
I am a Forensic Pathologist and Anthropologist and a Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh. I am interested in Virtual Anthropology, Bone histology, Biomechanics and Trauma Analysis.

Caroline Lill MSc
PhD Student
I hold an MSc in Forensic Anthropology from the University of Edinburgh, as well as an undergraduate MA (Hons) in Mediaeval History and Archaeology from the University of St Andrews. I am currently doing research involving bone histopathology and histomorphometry.
I am a physical and forensic anthropologist, my work involves the examination of human skeletal remains from both past and modern populations. I am interested in bone histology and bioarchaeology and diet.
II hold a BA and an MSc in Human Osteology and Palaeopathology. I did my DPhil on inter-personal violence in Neolithic Europe at the University of Oxford. I currently work as Lecturer in Human Osteoarchaeology at the SHCA of the UoE and I am interested in paleopathology, skeletal trauma and ethics.

Farrah Nasseri MSc
Forensic and Contemporary Artist
I hold an MSc in Forensic Anthropology (UoE). I use principles of art, anthropometry, anatomy and forensic science methods for performing forensic facial approximation. I also create realistic coloured pencil drawings and oil paintings.
I hold a BSc in Forensic Sciences and an MSc/PhD in Forensic Anthropology. I am Lecturer at the University of Dundee and a certified Forensic Anthropologist III. I specialise in 3D methods of image analysis.

Mara Karell, MSc
PhD Student, demonstrator
I am a current PhD student in Forensic Anthropology (University of Edinburgh). My research focuses on new techniques for sorting commingled human remains with the aid of 3D virtual models from CT and surface scans and specialised software.
I graduated from the University of Aberdeen with a degree in Physics and an MA in Archaeology from the UoE. I completed my PhD in Archaeology at the UoE in 2002. I joined Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh in 2003 and was appointed Lecturer in 2012.

Mandan Kazazzi
PhD student
I hold a BA in Archaeology from the University of Tehran and an MSc in Skeletal and Dental Bioarchaeology from the University College London. I am currently doing my PhD on sex estimation using cervical odontometrics employing 3D technology at the University of Edinburgh.
I hold an MSc and a PhD in Forensic Anthropology from the UoE. I am a temporary Lecturer at the University of Kent. I am interested in forensic histology, human anatomical variation and sexual dimorphism.

Laura-Kate Girdwood, MSc
PhD student, demonstrator
I am a current PhD student at the University of Edinburgh. My research focuses on the the comparison of dental health of Medieval individuals of different genetic, enviromental and cultural background. I also collaborate in community work with EUFA and Edinburgh Archaeology Outreach Program.
I hold an MSc from the UoE and I am currently doing my PhD at the University of Alberta. I study juvenile activity and health in Siberian Neolithic and Bronze Age hunter gatherers using 3D technology. I am also interested in developing virtual methods for biological profiling in juveniles.

Andrea Bonicelli, MSc
PhD candidate, demonstrator
I am currently doing my PhD at the University of Edinburgh. My research is mainly based in the laboratory and it focuses on the analysis of mechanical and chemical properties of bone matrix related to ageing.

Iakovos Ouranos
Illustrator and Graphic Designer
I studied Physics and I work as an illustrator and graphic designer. My background has led me to get involved in multi-disciplinary projects as the Rhind mummy Project in collaboration the University of Edinburgh and the National Museum of Scotland for the Fascinating mummies exhibition.